Compare to previous titles, it's quite easy-plat. But those stronk bosses are something in hard mode. My last trophy is to fill the recipe book. This trophy pops-up once we can get all 'ideas' for the recipe, and don't need to make the item to get the trophy. I don't really like this atelier, which somewhat a downgrade in gameplay department compare to previous title like Arland & Dusk, gotta call it here and move on the next game.
Had some free-time and i just tested this new MMO from X-Legend.. This is from Japan Server Closed-Beta Test. Can't say much after play some few hours, gameplay certainly fun & casuals. It's like a combination of Aura Kingdom & Dragomon Hunter if you ask me. Cross-Job MMO as the game states, we can switch to other job/weapon freely later. I played as Mage in this test video. if interested, you can visit Japanese official site here↓
Finally, Falcom release patch 1.02 which fixes all Stage rank S Trophy bugs, had to wait for patch to get this plat. Fairly easy compare to both Sen & Sen II but it's quite random & annoying when it comes to missable stuff.
Trophy which kinda take time to get is Friend Note,
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You can expect Video Playthrough here
well, yeah. As some of you already know, my alt channel that specialize in Falcom games are terminated as off April 24, 2015. I have been looking into a way to counter the strikes in these 2 months but at the end, i've reach the limit. So here goes, i'm calling the channel ded, and move on.
This is purely my own fault. I fail to identify Chara-ani contents with Falcom one. I thought those Character Song are owned by Falcom but it was a mistake
As result, not only those Evo videos got caught, all my safe video from Falcom also get terminated along with the channel. Kinda regret i'm not separating the contents back then, but well let's call it an experience for doing better next time.
I've created another new channel for upcoming Sora no Kiseki FC Evo, you can catch them there
and yeah, i'll do the evo only on that channel, in case something happen again, Falcom content don't get destroyed along with it