
Monday, July 24, 2017

FF XIV - Omega Deltascape v2.0 Savage (RDM POV)

1st clear. Compare to v1.0 savage, this is where mechanic difficulty start to spike a bit, took me almost 4 days to clear, but at least i managed to clear it on release week just before weekly reset

Thursday, July 20, 2017

FF XIV - Omega Deltascape v1.0 Savage (RDM POV)

My 1st clear on Deltascape v1.0 Savage difficulty. This kinda easy compared to previous raid-tier, but took me 2 days to clear since i'm running with duty finder, not a static group. Still need to learn more on how to Red Mage because my low DPS

Funny RDM fiesta on early practice of the run↓

Friday, July 7, 2017

FF XIV - Susano Extreme (SMN POV)

Not 1st clear run since i clear it with healer, this is just one of few run that's considered good, so i'll just upload it. Most of the run with duty finder are so difficult and tends to have fail rate more than 70% (i wonder if those people actually clear it on their own or just buying a carry)